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ISTE Standards for Students (Permitted Educational Use)

ISTE Standards for Students (Permitted Educational Use)

What does being a student mean?


My reflection about "ISTE Standards for Students (Permitted Educational Use)" is ;

When you are a student, you can hear something like that being a student is very easy and when you are a student, you should definitely enjoy your life because when you get a job, your life is getting more difficult.

At some point, this can be true. 

You should definitely enjoy your life, and having a job is difficult. However, being a student is not easy, especially in the 21st century.

Students even have more duties now. They should always improve themselves for having better future.

I think they forget how they felt when they were a student.

Being a student is not only doing assignments 📝 and preparing for exams 📚 but also thinking future, developing himself/herself, and so on.

1. Empowered Learner

Students informed by the learning sciences leverage technology to articulate and set personal learning goals, to develop learning strategies, to build networks, to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice, and to understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations.

As university students, we should attend our university's club's organizations because, in this way, we can create and improve our network.

For example, I am a member of Edutech. I can meet people who graduated from my department, and I can ask them how I can improve myself, what they did when they are undergraduate, and so on.

Moreover, I was also a member of Compec. I learned how to communicate with companies and I also attended some events.

They taught some programs like Unity 🎮 but unfortunately, the lessons did not long so much. 

As a result, I find these clubs very useful to improve your skills and network.

Furthermore, I find feedback about the process of my learning very important. As I mentioned in my other articles, with feedback, I can see where I do not understand in the topics, and then the systems or teachers can show me some key points to improve myself.

2. Digital Citizen 

Students recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.  

Some of you can ask why this is important.

I think the answer is when someone behaves like a bully to another, this creates a psychological problem for him/her, and he/she can think to commit suicide.

However, if such students know their rights, they can overcome these.

3. Knowledge Constructor

Students should make a plan for their research strategies and then when they find resources, they should evaluate them. They also demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.

Most people think that almost every Turks student makes assignments one night before the lesson. They can even say this happens one lesson before the lesson.

This doesn't show true totally. Most of us make plans. First, we try to understand what the teacher's expectations are, and then we search for true and reliable resources. We evaluate them according to our lesson's notes, the teacher's expectations, and etc. Next, we start to do our homework. Before giving to the teacher, we check our homework more than once.

4. Innovative Designer

Students who know and use a deliberate design process for generating new things select and use digital tools.

They develop, test, and refine prototypes.  

They exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity.

I think students in Turkey are very creative but most of them don't have a chance to show their creativity.  

Not only economical reasons but also some educators give rise to this.

As I mentioned in my other article, most of the educators don't want to guide their students because they don't care and they hate their jobs. 

Fortunately, some of them do their jobs very well and care their students and we can see their achievements with social media.

5. Computational Thinker

Students using algorithmic thinking formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis and also develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving. 

They collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.

Have you ever thought why some students are very successful in very complex topics?

The answer is they know how to use algorithmic thinking. First, while they are studying, they are formulating with their notes. Then, they tell the topic to themselves or imagined people or their sibling and etc.

There are some websites that can help students in this process.

For example, if you study waves in physic and you don't understand very well, you can visit websites that can give you the opportunity to observe waves and change wawes' situations.

Like this website => Physics-PhET interactive simulations 

In Turkey, do students use such websites?

Yes, some of us use such websites and find them very useful, especially in physic to understand subjects.

6. Creative Communicator

Students who aim to create original works choose the appropriate platforms and tools to publish or present content that creates or uses a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models, or simulation and medium for their intended audiences.

For example, if you are a physic student and you want to publish some of your articles, you should know how to publish your article on a website. You should determine your audiences. You should know using photoshops for your images. You also make models, simulations, and some other visualizations to be more clear for your audiences.

In Turkey, most students can't devote time to create articles and publish them. Our education system wants students to pass tests. It doesn't want them to create something. 

7. Global Collaborator

Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally. 

 Last year, when I and my classmates use "Knowledge Forum", I learned different and clever ideas.

"Knowledge Forum" is a platform that students can discuss with each other under teacher control.

However, when we look at the whole education system in Turkey, the proportion of using this kind of platform in lessons is not so much.

As I mentioned before, the aim of our education system is whether students can pass exams or not.

It released in 6.11.2020

The last update was in 6.11.2020


  • ISTE Standards for Students (Permitted Educational Use)
  • Freepik

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