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CET 401 Homework of Preparing Research Proposal - 1

CET 401 Homework of Preparing Research  Proposal - 1

Note: This is a homework of CET 401 course. This is first part.

Investigating the Impact of Attention Span on Turkish 6th-7th Grade Student's Attitudes 

Towards Mobile Device Usage for Educational Purposes in Classroom Settings: 

A Causal-Comparative Study


Group 10

Aleyna Çorbacı

Ali Eren Kayhan

Ayşe Deniz Üğütgen

Ece Yalçın

Metin Hakan Çoban

Summary Table

  • Group number : 10
  • Group members’ names : Ali Eren Kayhan, Ece Yalçın, Metin Hakan Çoban, AyÅŸe Deniz Üğütgen, Aleyna Çorbacı
  • Your research topic statement: The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of Turkish 6th-7th grades students’ attention span scores on what type of attitudes they hold on the mobile device usage for educational purposes.
  • Your directional research hypothesis: Students who have a high attention span score will have higher attitude test scores that indicate positive attitudes towards using mobile devices in classroom settings than those who have a lower attention span score.
  • What is your independent variable? Attention span score.
  • What is your dependent variable? Attitude test scores towards using mobile devices in classroom settings.
  • Clearly state your population: 6th-7th grade Turkish students.
  • Who are your participants? 6th-7th grade Turkish students from the determined school.
  • What is your sample size? 30 students in the treatment group, 30 students in the control group so 60 in total; therefore, we need 2 classes.
  • Sampling strategies: Random sampling (to maintain the homogeneity of the groups we will use the comparing homogeneous groups control method)
  • Design of your study: Causal-comparative research design.
  • Name of your data collection instrument(s)
    • For attention span measurement: d2 Dikkat Testi
    • For attitudes towards using mobile devices in classroom settings: Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik HazırbulunuÅŸluk ÖlçeÄŸi
  • Reliability and validity data of your instrument(s)
    • For attention (d2 Dikkat Testi): The reliability data of this instrument is examined through Pearson Multiplication Moment Correlation Analysis. Specifically, the correlation for TN scores was (r=0.831; p<0.001), for E1 scores it was (r=0.884; p<0.001), for E2 scores it was (r=0.761; p<0.001), for TN-E scores it was (r=0.831; p<0.001), for CP scores it was (r=0.877; p<0.001), and for FR scores it was (r=0.570; p<0.001) which are all identified as positive and significant (Yaycı, 2013, p.45). In this study, an examination of the criterion validity was conducted, focusing on the relationship between the subtests of the WISC-R Intelligence Test and the d2 Dikkat Test and their distinctiveness is analyzed through discriminant analysis.
    • For attitudes towards using mobile devices in classroom settings (Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik HazırbulunuÅŸluk ÖlçeÄŸi): This instrument demonstrates exceptional reliability with a high Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.95 which indicates strong internal consistency. Additionally, the test-retest correlation coefficient of 0.68 suggests good stability over time. In examining the Turkish form of the scale, researchers utilized both Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to assess its validity.
  • Materials used, if any: Tablet PCs, laptops, printed d2 Dikkat Testi and Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik HazırbulunuÅŸluk ÖlçeÄŸi, paper and pencils.


In the dynamic realm of education, technology integration has become more common, and mobile devices are now recognized as powerful tools for educational reinforcement. As teaching methods shift towards more interactive and dynamic learning environments, exploring the relationship between students’ attention spans and their perspectives on using mobile devices plays a crucial role since today’s students have grown up in a technology-rich environment, fostering familiarity with digital tools from an early age.

The primary objective of this study is to understand how attention span influences students’ attitudes towards the use of mobile devices for educational purposes. In the period of transforming traditional learning environments into interactive experiences, it is essential to examine how the attention spans of 6th and 7th-grade students impact their interest and involvement in the utilization of such devices in educational settings.

Adopting  a causal-comparative methodology, this study aims to fill a gap in the existing literature by providing insights into the connection between attention span and attitudes towards mobile device usage in Turkish middle school classrooms and contribute to understanding of  the causal relationships that shape the attitudes with the existing literature studies on the educational utility of mobile devices.

Evidence from the Literature

Our literature reviews firstly indicated that the mobile tool and technological device integration have negative impacts on students’ success. The current structure of the lectures, in which the tutor is the center, and the students are passive listeners, causes abuse of such integration. Research showed that passive listener students mostly tend to use mobile and technological devices for irrelevant reasons. It was found that students were more likely to engage in off-task technology use when they found the material too challenging or too easy, or when theoretical teaching hours were excessively long. As they are not able to actively participate in the majorly teacher centered classes, they get bored and for solutions to their boredom, they use their mobile devices. Such usage ends up harmful for their academic success.

Multitasking between devices and lectures creates additional cognitive load. Additionally, as the number of applications used in such devices increase, the academic achievement decreases, as parallel to the results on cognitive load. Students who multitask during their lectures are not able to perform as well as or better than those who do not. However, they also accept the ban of mobile device usage if they receive an award, mostly an extra credit to their final scores.

Besides the negative impact due to multitasking and increased cognitive load, the mobile devices have impacts on students' emotional situations, and correspondingly their academic achievements. Students experience “Fear of missing out (FoMO)”. Meaning, if they receive any notifications or see anything triggered in their mobile devices, they have the urge to check their phone, therefore, loss of attention. 

It is also shown by the research that the only 3 seconds of distraction is enough to damage the whole learning process especially in neurotypical people. Teachers can create some rules about using smartphones; however, due to FoMO, fear of missing out, and some addiction like web browsing, playing computer games, students can focus on their lesson. The interesting thing in this topic is that some cultures are more easily affected by this situation. Also, due to FoMO, even though there is nothing to trigger students, they still have the urge to be “online” in every possible situation, including their class hours. It is also possible to say that the effects of FoMO are dependent on race and gender.

We also reach a conclusion that even though the students’ choose to use the technological devices for relevant purposes, it also has not very beneficial results for students. Students who use notebooks and handwriting for note-taking purposes performed better compared to those who use computers for the same reasons. The reason behind this was, notebook user students were focusing more on the lecture to note the key points, while the computer users tended to type whatever they heard, causing them to pay less attention to the class.

We also found that the attention is contagious. Meaning, that if students observe attentive behaviors around them, in other words if their peers act attentively to the class, they also show an inclination to act attentively to the class. It is also possible to say that others' way of using technological devices in a classroom environment affects students’ attentive behavior. For example, if someone uses their PC for unrelated purposes during the class hours, this misuse of technology in the classroom also creates negative impacts on other students’ not only attentive behaviors but also their academic successes.

The experimental findings indicate that the concept map-centered ubiquitous learning method offers significantly more assistance to students when reading printed books compared to traditional book reading and the conventional ubiquitous learning approach concerning their academic performance. Furthermore, the students expressed a high level of approval for this mobile technology-supported learning system in terms of its "ease of use," "usefulness," and their "attitude and intention for future use." 

The experimental data underscore the significance of providing educational support for reading printed science books. Consequently, one noteworthy contribution of this study is to emphasize the importance of furnishing concept maps and supplementary materials for reading printed science books. Additionally, this research demonstrates how the proposed approach can be effectively employed in a specific learning context, showcasing its potential to enhance students' learning outcomes and their willingness to embrace technology.

Some findings also stated that attention plays a critical role on those with specific mental disorders. Children with ASD behaved differently than those with typical development which ended up with impacts over their learning process. 


The research topic under consideration, which investigates the effects of mobile device integration on students' attention in Turkish K-12 classrooms, is of paramount significance within the educational discourse. In the wake of an ever-evolving technological landscape, the integration of mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, has become pervasive, thereby prompting an imperative need to comprehensively understand its ramifications on the attention span and learning outcomes of students. This research endeavors to contribute to the educational policy-making process, shed light on the potential benefits and challenges associated with technology integration, and illuminate the variance in impacts across distinct educational systems, with a specific focus on the Turkish K-12 context. Furthermore, it underscores the implications for student well-being and addresses the concerns of parents, who are increasingly cognizant of the impact of digital technology on their children's education. Moreover, the research aims to provide insights into effective classroom management and pedagogical strategies for teachers while addressing a potential gap in the current literature. In the context of an increasingly technology-driven educational environment, this research is motivated by the need to explore the intricate dynamics surrounding the integration of mobile devices within Turkish K-12 classrooms. The proliferation of smartphones and tablets presents both opportunities and challenges for education, with implications for students' attention spans and overall learning experiences.

By conducting a comprehensive study in this specific educational context, we seek to inform educational policymakers, administrators, and educators about the multifaceted impacts of mobile device integration. This research will examine the potential benefits, such as access to educational apps and digital resources, as well as the challenges, including distractions and reduced attention spans. Moreover, it will consider regional variations in the effects of technology integration and its consequences on student well-being, encompassing both mental and physical health aspects. Additionally, this research will address the concerns of parents who are increasingly aware of the impact of technology on their children's education. Ultimately, it aims to provide empirical evidence to guide parents in making informed decisions about their child's technology usage and offer insights to teachers on how to manage technology in the classroom effectively.

In conclusion, the investigation into the effects of mobile device integration on students' attention in Turkish K-12 classrooms stands as a timely and indispensable endeavor. The evolving technological landscape and the need for data-informed educational policies necessitate a comprehensive examination of the benefits and challenges associated with technology integration. This research, with its specific focus on the Turkish educational context, has the potential to bridge a gap in the existing literature. Furthermore, it can shed light on the multifaceted implications for students' well-being and provide guidance to parents and teachers alike. By addressing these critical aspects, this research aims to contribute significantly to our understanding of the complex relationship between technology and education, thereby informing best practices for utilizing mobile devices in the classroom, and, in turn, enriching the quality of education in Turkish K-12 settings.


Students who have a high attention span score will have higher attitude test scores that indicate positive attitudes towards using mobile devices in classroom settings than those who have a lower attention span score.


6-7th grade students in Türkiye are our population for the research investigating the effects of Turkish 6th-7th grades students’ attention span scores on what type of attitudes they hold on mobile device usage for educational purposes. Our dependent in this causal-comparative design is attitude scores towards using mobile devices in classroom settings and our independent variable is students’ attention span scores. We will randomly select samples from our population, which we use the comparing homogeneous groups control method to maintain the homogeneity of the groups and then we divide them into two groups according to their attention span score that we reach from “d2 Dikkat Testi ''. “d2 Dikkat Testi” has significant positive correlations between pre-test and post-test scores according to  the Pearson Multiplication Moment Correlation Analysis; therefore, it is a valuable instrument to categorize student for “Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik HazırbulunuÅŸluk ÖlçeÄŸi”. “Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik HazırbulunuÅŸluk ÖlçeÄŸi” is our main instrument to evaluate student’s attitudes towards using mobile devices in classroom settings. 


We will implement a causal-comparative design with attitudes scores towards using mobile devices in classroom settings as dependent and students’ attention span scores as independent variables. 

Participants & Sampling 

6-7th grade students in Türkiye are the population in this research. To conduct this experiment, we wanted to take our sample  from a high attention score from “d2 Dikkat Testi”   and low attention score from “d2 Dikkat Testi” to make sure we have a homogeneous sample and for generalizability sake. Using random sampling once more, we will create homogeneous groups, and then we will create the treatment group which consists of the 30 students who have high attention span score  and the control group with 30 students who have low attention span score.

Causal-comparative research method is open to the threat of extraneous variables. Even though groups are formed with the most homogeneous form, the risk of an extraneous variable that might affect the results exists. Therefore, control methods must be used. For our case we plan to use the “comparing homogeneous groups” control methods. As this method and the formation of “homogeneous” groups rely highly on the data gathered from the samples. The details of the subgroups will be formed and discussed after the data collection period. 

Data Collection Instrument(s)

The research will require the use of specific instruments, including  the amount of time students devote to paying attention to their teachers during class and  the attitude of the usage of mobile devices for educational purposes.

The “d2 Dikkat Testi” is designed to measure the attention span, learning performance quality, selective attention and psychomotor speed. In addition, an attention test will be administered, and a tracking tool will be employed to monitor the number of hours students spend paying attention to their teachers during the experiment. It requires students to make markings on the measurement tool papers and use  the Turkish alphabet and the level of students are familiar with the alphabet. The results of the Pearson Multiplication Moment Correlation Analysis for the reliability study indicated significant positive correlations between pre-test and post-test scores in various sub-tests. Specifically, the correlations were found to be (r=0.831; p<0.001) for TN scores, (r=0.884; p<0.001) for E1 scores, (r=0.761; p<0.001) for E2 scores, (r=0.831; p<0.001) for TN-E scores, (r=0.877; p<0.001) for CP scores, and (r=0.570; p<0.001) for FR scores. These outcomes demonstrate the positive and statistically significant relationships between pre-test and post-test scores across all subtests of the Attention Test, affirming the reliability of the measurements for continuity.

There is a test that can be administered to individuals or groups aged 9 to 60. The test form consists of one page with 14 rows, each containing 47 figures, totaling 658 figures. The letters 'd' and 'p' are used in the test. Some letters have one, two, three, or four dots above or below them. The letters, the placement of the dots, and their numbers can appear in a total of 16 different ways. The primary task for the test taker is to identify the 'd' letter, which has a total of two dots, and it can appear in three different ways in the test. A time limit of 20 seconds is given for the participant to perform the specified task in each row. The test takes approximately eight minutes to administer. In group sessions, an additional 7-8 minutes are needed for instructions, ensuring understanding, and providing an example.

Two separate scoring keys are used to calculate test scores, resulting in six scores during the test: TN (total number of marked figures), E1 (number of figures skipped without marking), E2 (number of incorrectly marked figures), CP (total number of correctly marked figures), TN-E (test performance), and E% (error rate). The adaptation and norm study of the d2 Attention Test for Türkiye were conducted by Toker (1993).

After careful consideration of the available information, our research team has chosen to utilize the "d2 Dikkat Testi" as the preferred instrument for measuring attention span in our study. The decision is grounded in the comprehensive documentation, user-friendly nature, and widespread acceptance of the "d2 Dikkat Testi." This test has demonstrated validity in assessing attention span, learning performance quality, selective attention, and psychomotor speed, making it suitable for our research objectives. Additionally, the accessibility of the test, with a well-documented procedure that takes approximately 10 minutes, aligns with the practical requirements of our study. The very instrument evaluates various factors related to attention, such as concentration skills and the capacity to avoid distractions. These aspects are pivotal when examining attitudes toward the use of mobile devices in a classroom setting. By employing the “d2 Dikkat Testi”, we can acquire valuable information about students' attention levels and concentration capacities.

Image from Kula, E. (2018). Dikkat becerisi geliştirmeye dayalı programın dikkat eksikliği olan ilkokul öğrencileri üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi (Doctoral dissertation, Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey)).

The “Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik HazırbulunuÅŸluk ÖlçeÄŸi” is designed to measure the attitude of the usage of devices for educational purposes. The validity of the scale's structure was determined through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses conducted in two stages. In the initial analysis, a 17-item scale with three sub-dimensions was obtained. To assess the validity of this scale, factor analyses were repeated. As a result, it was determined that the first sub-dimension, optimism, consisted of 7 items, the second sub-dimension, self-efficacy, consisted of 6 items, and the third sub-dimension, self-directed learning, consisted of 4 items. The total variance explained by the scale was found to be 76.9%. The reliability of the scale was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the test-retest method. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the scale was found to be 0.95. The correlation coefficient calculated from the test-retest results was 0.68.

Image from Gökçearslan, Ş. Solmaz, E. ve Kukul, V. (2017). Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik Hazırbulunuşluk Ölçeği: Bir uyarlama çalışması. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama, 7(1), 143-157.

Image from Gökçearslan, Ş. Solmaz, E. ve Kukul, V. (2017). Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik Hazırbulunuşluk Ölçeği: Bir uyarlama çalışması. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama, 7(1), 143-157.

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